How to prepare Darsul Quran
Select a Portion of the Qur’ān of a Relevant Topic or any surah.
Recite It, Reflect on It, Study Available Tafāsir, Make Notes, Make Your Observations, Produce Ideas to be Presented, and Extract the Lessons to be Learned.
To Present Follow the Following Procedure:
Recite the selected portion
Present the Meaning [Word by Word, If Possible]
Introduce the Surah from which the portion is selected
Name(s) & their meanings
What type of name – simple identity denoting or denoting a subject?
From which ayah(s) the name is taken?
Where and when was the surah revealed? Is there a specific reason (context) for the revelation?
What are the themes and subject matters of the surah and the ayat in discussion?
Discuss the tafsir ayah by ayah
Present the lessons to be learned